Our mission

Help people reach their full potential

We believe everyone has the innate ability to control their health and performance through the power of their breath. Our breath is our life and understanding how your breath affects your physical and mental states is a foundational skill that all humans should know.

As humans, we go through much of our life never truly understanding how our bodies work or how the environment around us can affect how we feel and perform. Many of us never think about our breathing patterns or understand how important proper breathing is to our health and performance. Stasis was started by two Navy Special Operations veterans with decades of experience performing at the highest levels in some of the most austere environments across the globe. Our philosophies and training methodology are grounded in experience, research, and practical application.

Our mission is to help people reach their full potential. We do this by fusing technology, data, and science to develop digital and physical products that empower humans to use their breath for optimizing health and performance.